How do we make conservation and anti-poaching beneficial for the local communities in Bardia and motivate them to become strong partners in conservation?

This course aims to design and implement a realistic and efficient action plan to motivate the local population to become advocates of the conservation and anti-poaching efforts in Bardia National Park. Course Duration: 8-10 weeks Weekly Hours Spent: 1 hour Learnings: Understand sociological concepts Represent instances of human-wildlife conflict Demonstrate […]

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How can we ensure safe menstrual hygiene management, promote period positivity, and increase the attendance of girls at schools in Bardia?

Course Length: 8 weeks Weekly Time Spent: 1 hour (Synchronous and Asynchronous) Main Objective: Understand the issue, its key stakeholders, and design possible interventions. Enabling Objectives:– Problem identification at its core.– Demonstrate the ability to produce a quality analysis of historic/current methods.  – Design possible solutions. Skills: Communication, Interpersonal, Leadership, […]

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